Eoghan was born in Edinburgh in 1963, and later studied art at Harrogate College and Leeds Beckett University. Since then he's dedicated his life to art, exhibiting his sculpture extensively around the world, in private galleries and at art fairs. He's also made a few public sculptures and private commissions along the way.
Early on in his career he established a reputation for an innovative approach to equine sculpture, exploring the dynamics between the horse and rider. Recently, he's developed this work further through drawing and prints, and in the process discovered a raw and intuitive approach to guide his creativity with a fresh purpose. This approach is very much bound to the sacred nature of his art, witnessed in his search for truth and authenticity. Bridge is of the opinion that art is a two way gift, fundamental to humanity, and something which connects us on a deep level. It's why he feels authentic art should be affordable and available to everyone.
Bridge feels the value of art is not economic, but instead lies in the authentic communication of human expression - the seamless transition from within to without. However, this simple act of creativity often leaves him struggling with a duality of purpose as he tries to avoid the compromise and pressures of the commercial art world. He feels this often subverts the creative intent of the artist into product making, when artists really have a fundamental responsibility to honour their privileged position by being open, honest and transparent with their expressions. This point is crucial to his views, and is why he struggles with the establishment and its traditions. He feels artists have a unique vantage point to observe life in action, and offer an insight from a fresh perspective, often positioned outside of mainstream society. A communication from the soul through a deep and sentient contemplation of the random act of actuality, something we all experience after coming into being on a planet.
After a recent period of cathartic introspection, theraputic blogging, and a near complete deconstruction of self, his analysis has led to the conclusion he must take greater ownership of his creative destiny. He's developed his own website, a place to showcase the diversity of his art, offering a glimpse into the mind of a man engaged with a calling to express himself, through sculpture, drawing, print, paint and words. As he says himself "I can do what I like in here and that's what I'll do".