"Don't Fake it Baby"
As the late great Bowie sang "lay the real thing on me" lines from a song which are resonating with me as I write. It follows a recent discovery that there are a growing number of fake Bridge sculptures appearing out there in the world such as this one below.

It seems there is little I can do to protect my intellectual property other than share the images to expose the copyright infringements which are taking place. In one sense its flattering that people wish to copy my sculptures but on the other hand as an established artist struggling to survive its a little irritating.

Well can you spot the similarities in the two images above, I could even without my glasses on :) I have some more images which I will be sharing soon so that people aren't caught out by unauthorised reproductions of my work. And in the meantime if anyone sees other copies of my work I'd love to hear about it.
Bye for now and have a great day :)