The One True Self
The artist life is challenging on many levels which is why I find it so compelling, I've spent my life captivated by the magic of creativity and been totally caught up under its spell. Human expression goes beyond control and understanding, requiring the nutrition from trust, faith and intuition in order to grow and blossom. No matter what circumstances await in this adventure there will always be a confrontation with self, life, expectations and actualities.

Whilst art is about sharing it is also a personal quest and how true you are to yourself is a personal choice. That choice has always pulled me away from art as a performance of ego and driven me towards the discovery of my true self so that I'm as close to being one as I can get. It sounds simple but it really isn't because art is so manipulated by society that it's almost impossible to create through a clear and unbiased mind. In simple terms there is at times so much hyperbole and bullshit around art that you can't avoid getting caught up in it, as a young person I was even proud of my own bullshitting about art. I soon grew out of that and came to realize that art is the soul food you can get.

Sometimes I feel that I've really suffered as an artist, been misunderstood and disrespected too, but I don't feel like a victim, in fact quite to the contrary I feel empowered and strengthened by the adversity. Eventually I hit the wall a while back and realized that something was really wrong with my life as an artist and I was failing to be true to who I am and how I felt. It was a realization that led to a desperation which forced my hand into articulating and expressing my personal truth so that I could uncover my one true self. It was life changing and brought certainty to my work with a level of humility.

Having found a way to trust in myself and my creative judgements I've been able to expand my creativity in a more carefree way. I can only do my best and as long as my intent is pure I have no qualms about how it is received. I have no greater or lesser knowledge than anyone else and so it's as an equal that I produce art to share as a contribution to society. And this life is very much a work in progress, an experience of appreciation and growth through a creative celebration of wonder but above all it's about a true respect for life.
Have a great day now :)